

  • Today I completed 3 sets of Squats while holding a 16kg medicine ball, 3 sets of sit ups, and 3 sets of arm curl roses at 32 pounds. An odd thing happened today. After I completed my squats, I began to have some difficulties in maintaining my balance, mabey its because I used muscles that I left unused for a while.
  • Today I completed 54 minutes of cardio. I should probably start showing up to class before I begin my daily routine, in doing so, my grades will shape up just like I need them to.
  • Today I completed three sets of bench presses at 70 kg, three sets of squats while carrying 16 kg, and three sets of sit ups. These daily workouts gave me an unexpected increase in confidence, hopefully, I won't get overconfident.
  • Today I completed 50 minutes of cardio. The shift to the field was a great improvement from the stairs. My knees feel perfect!!!
  • Tofay I completed 3 sets of bench presses at 35 kg, 3 sets of arm curls at 22 kg, and 3 sets of Medicine ball lifts. Today may have been my first day being late for fitness, hopefully it's the last.
  • Today I completed 55 minutes of cardio, rather than jogging up the stairs, I decided to take laps across the field. There's much less pressure on my knees, It feels like a great improvement in the end. I secretly took a 5 minute break that backfired in the end.
  • Today I completed 3 sets of bench presses at 70 kg, I also completed 3 sets of pull ups and arm curls. I feel perfect today, no sore areas whatsoever. Tomorrow will mark the day that I alter my cardio workout slightly.
  • Today I completed 45 minutes of cardio, I'm going to start shifting from my daily routine to a new and improved one. I'll start on thursday.
  • Today I completed 3 sets of bench presses at 35 kg, 3 sets of situps, and 3 sets of arm curls. I feel relaxed for no apparent reason, mabey I've grown used to these daily workouts.
  • Today I completed a full hour of cardio, my knees feel sore all of a sudden. I'm usually used to it, but it's starting to feel rather painful, I'll try to find an alternate excersise for the next few days.
  • Today I completed 45 minutes of cardio, I feel normal, and I'm not sweating as much as I used to. I see it as an improvement.
  • Today I completed 3 sets of bench presses at 70 pounds, 3 sets of arm curls at 8 kg, and 3 sets of chest pulls at 7 pounds. I feel more active than usual all of a sudden.
  • Today I completed 3 sets of bench presses at 35 kg, I also completed 3 sets of single leg presses at 45 kg. We were experimenting with different weights, so we basially wasted most of our workout time.
  • Today I completed 45 minutes of cardio, the odd thing is that I'm beginning to feel some pain in my knees. This never happened before and I weighed a few kilos less 2 days ago, I might need more calcium.
  • Today I completed 3 sets of bench presses at 70 kg, 3 sets of leg presses at 45 kg, for each leg, and 3 sets of single rose curls at 40 kg. The only odd thing, was that I felt a burning sensation after every exercise, it felt different this time, nothing bad so far.
  • Today was a great day for me, granted it began with an unexpected shock, but it turned out to be great nonetheless. When I weighed in this morning, I was presented with 112.3 kilos, I was certain that I weighed less. This was due to the fact that I drank 4 bottles of water this morning. After releasing the wastes from my…
  • After reading pages 21-30, many options were available for me now, in terms of food preparation. Unlike the rule of three, this article insists that I'd consider hiring someone to prepare my meals for me. The article also specifically states what I should be packaging for my daily meals, and I mean Specifically. An odd…
  • After reading the next 10 pages of the article, the differences began to surface. The main difference so far is that, this part focuses heavily on the side effects of not eating certain types of food. Each food group happens to have it's own set of consequences if rarely consumed. Another noticeable difference is that,…
  • After reading 10 pages of precision nutrition, I can already spot the similarities and differences it has with the rule of three. It also focused on what drives the common man to eat specific foods, and why it's become a habit these days. The first noticeable difference is that this is far more detailed than the 3, and it…
  • Today I completed 3 sets of leg presses, 3 sets of single curl roses, and two sets of bench presses, all with a 10 rm. I still can't manage to complete three sets of bench presses.
  • Today I completed about 55 minutes of cardio, I'm used to it now.
  • I've gone from 111 kg to 108.5 kg in two weeks, far exceeding my original weight loss plan of half a kilo per week. Still, it's not necessarily a bad thing.
  • Today I completed 45 minutes of cardio, nothing has changed so far...
  • Today I completed 1 hour of cardio, I don't feel any form of pain whatsoever. Apparently my body has adapted to this new program.
  • Today I completed 45 minutes of cardio, stairs and treadmill. Oddly enough, my legs feel perfectly fine. My arms are still in pain though...
  • Today I completed 3 sets of bench presses(70 pounds), 3 sets of leg presses(230 pounds),an 2 sets of arm curl roses( 30 pounds, one for each arm). My legs feel somewhat sore yet my arms feel asleep, this is a first..
  • Today I ran up and down a stairway for 40 minutes. My legs feel somewhat sore, but I'm pretty sure I'll feel better tomorrow.
  • After reading one of the following articles thoroughly, I have learned that post exercise muscle soreness is tremendously less to those who ingest protein. I have also learned that high protein diets can actually be benefitial and healthy to those who exercised. The most suprising thing that i have learned is that protein…