

  • Today we had a chioce to choose wether football or Basketball so i played basket ball for the rest of the period with my friend .
  • Today at the gym i did some random Workouts , i was lazy at the end as always need to practice more and intensely , i did Chest press and Single leg press , I did shoulder press which was really painful first but i got used to it .
  • Today i chest press with 40 pounds total ive felt pain in my joints alos the torso muscle . I did shoulder press 8 kg 16 total and ive done some 10 light reps pushups . Lastly i did Single leg press with 140 pound total
  • Today i did Some shoulder pressworkout but intensely also i did some Chest bress wiothout machine then shift to bicep curls on my lef arm . Overall i felt pain when doing romans dead lift , but today ive done good so far
  • Today i did mostly Shoulder press and tricep Workout i did some pushups and chest press as well , but i felt pain on my letf tricep when doing Chest press at last . Doing it while not using machine is a bit harder , because u have to control the weight s.
  • Today i did some intense chest press workout and triceps , i did single leg press but i felt pain on my left leg straight away , i did Bicep curls to strengthen my left arm , so i hope i gained some weight .
  • Today i did chest press also , without the machine which was more effective becuase i can feel pain on my side chests . I did the plank for 40 secs was hard at last secs. Also I did Bicep curls with 8 kg and 6 kg later on . I see in time ive been Having good strength better than before .
  • Well today we did some different excersices such as the elbow plank , and Squats and also stretching our legs up high and our body straight by using a pole Just for balance technique , i felt Soreness on my back after that but wasnt so intense , i will get the hang out if it later on Days .
  • Today at the gym we did Random Excersices we were used to the machines , now iam doing it without them Helping , it was challenging so iam continue to get the hang of it . Shoulder press was hurting alot , becuase its been a while . Overall iam doing ok and hopefully I could bulk up .
  • Today we did several Types of training , chest and Triceps , i did a good progress on Chest but triceps were harder on several machines . Ive had muscle soreness because of Dumbell rows . Over All i had smooth day on the gym .
  • April 22 : We did some shoulder excrescice and Single leg press , leg press was more harder , because its been a while , the machine was also plus heavier on single leg , but good results . Today I was absent , and i didnt work out , i just did some chest workout on home for 20 mins .
  • Today We worked on Bicep excersices and i felt pain on both Biceps , it is because of yesterday excersise, but today ive worked hard and i hope ill gain some muscle after that , I think Biceps are easy if your muscles are used to it Daily times with always 2-3 sets each .
  • Today we did some 2 new excersices each 3 sets . 1st one is the Chest press in cline and opposite . It was really hard first time , but i got used to it . I felt pain on my Joint also while doing it . The second excersise is tricep excersice which was challengeing i felt hard pain on my left triceps so i Stopped…
  • Today we had cardio with weight training and We had smooth day , doing our all new excersices and play witht he weights to see what fits us . I hope i could gain more weight by not using supplements and cancel that out . I hope i would reach at least 63 kg
  • Today we were introduced to new excersices such as the curl and triceps excersice and also Free chest press and Dumbell as the basic . It is becoming more intense and hard With the new leg press excersice , doing it multiple time of sets , is making my Knee hurt alot than it was with the machine . Today excersices went…
  • Today I did the same basic Drills and sets of excersice , the hardest one was single leg press with 10 RM . I shift to dumbbell 1 arm and had 30 pounds each arm . i felt my shoulders and triceps feeling intense and pain same time . I did 50 pound total to chest press 3 sets and i added 1 extra set just for Extra power…
  • Today i have weighed in at class and i was Shocked that i had gained weight by 2.7 kg from 55.3 to 58 and i have been doing good progress on my Fitness goals to gain weight . Ive Took alot of Protien bars that i have bought yesterday. Today at class we were inteoduced to the project and also the supplements that Are safe…
  • Lastly also talked about in class, just not in this depth. To improve our meal plans, we should take at least one day of the week to plan it out and go grocery shopping for all the foods.. Article suggests to take carbs and fats more and reduce the protein intake . Also in class were taught to calculate in different way…
  • Similarties that They both told us to wake up early enough so that we can eat a decent meal for breakfast and that we shouldn't eat so much calories. Differnces are that Taking Calories from days would be challenging , also we have to take our 2,000 calorie basic intake daily , but in my fitnesspal we follow our own…
  • Similarities is that eating healthy breakfast with green gulore , also there is similarites between eating preparations at night and at day , for ex eating much in day and less at night and the vice versa for the other day to workout . Differences taking More protien which the article says , and we were taught that taking…
  • Other Things that are not taught in class is Increased Thermic Effect of Feeding, Which means that eating protein is actually thermogenic and can lead to a higher metabolic rate. There is another difference of reduction of cardio excersices that werent matching Mr Ali Rules , which was decreasing amount of excersise in…
  • Other Things that are not taught in class is Increased Thermic Effect of Feeding, Which means that eating protein is actually thermogenic and can lead to a higher metabolic rate.
  • Similarity of the article with the rule of 3 is that its both agree to Eat every 2-3 hours, to eat lean protien (meat and also To take green gulore vegtebals each time in a meal or serving . The things difference actually is the article tries to add more rules of nutrition rather 3 rules for nutrition. other difference is…
  • Today ive done the basic single leg press which was exhausting for the legs right away . The Bench press was ok i felt pain on my tri and chest after 2 sets . I did the dumbell 1 arm which was ok becuase i been used to it. Today i am sure ive done the best ive could do and step by step i may get stronger.
  • March 27 today i did some Shoulder press with 6 kilograms which was still intense becuase i felt pain on my back and also my shoulders, i ve also tried the single leg press which was more effective then both . felt pain quickly from the back of my left leg . i hope i will gain weight and feel that ive changed my body…
  • March 26 , ive done cardio excersise with Mr ali . Firstly i did The stationary bike for 15 mins , then we shift to mr ali cardio style which we've done was running and sprinting with a Ladder trying not to hop on the grips . Ive felt really intense on my Leg and also we did push up if we failed the challenge
  • March 25:: ive done Weight excersices with Tri excersice first then chest press with 50 total and leg press 10RM total of 202 pounds and also Shoulder press where ive felt really sore in the right shoulder. Overall ive done better than before hopefully ill gain weight quickly .
  • Today i did cardio excersise running Up and and down the stairs , which i felt my heart beat alot . Also we had practice on doing Basketball training as an cardio excersice and played the shoot or die game with Mr Ali . We ran a suicide Sprint which was exhausting more than the stairs . After all iam used to these kind of…
  • Today we did some weight training and i had the back of my legs tiring and exhausted by the leg press , i also went to bench press to lift 50 pounds with 10 RM and also dumbell 1 arm doing 25 each side i need to put on more weight than that . The most exhausting excersice today was shoulder press i didnt have an idea that…
  • Thursday March 20 :: 2 weeks have past now and ive approaching my goal , i wanted to gain weight , and i have gained 1.3 Kg i was 55 and now 56 iam still pleased by that but although i have to put on more weight and try harder . My goal is to reach 63 at least in a month if i could . Ive been eating alot these days and…