

  • week 33 started at 121lbs currently at 149lbs.
  • i probably eat around 2000,2100 (i used to eat around 1600) doc said she wasnt worried about my calories but i had to eat protein at least 3 times a day. but i ate way more than 2000 with my first baby and she only came out at 5lbs 11 oz lol and i kept all the extra! lol
  • I'm pregnant too! : ) I hit my goal of 116 and then actually put on 5lbs to helping with having a baby and was then at 121. with baby number two. I am currently at 128 and almost 20 weeks. im a horrible eater who is trying to eat cleaner healthier foods and give up soda! :/
  • Hi i love lipo 6 black hers although each body is diffrent. The bottle says take 3 pills in the am and 3 more around noon. I learned after just taking two in the am my body only needs one pill in the am and one pill around 1pm i sleep good at night no problems and have lost 2 1/2 lbs this week alone. I have no side effects…
  • i use wishbone spray ranch 2 calories a spray.