

  • P90X is a workout program by BeachBody Fitness. It's pretty intense, but gets results. I ordered it, then ended up tearing my ACL the day before it came. Bummer! But I've seen lots of people get amazing results. There are several CDs that come with the program - Kenpo, Stretching, Yoga, Chest & Back, Shoulders & Arms, Legs…
  • Thanks! I definitely needed to discover that drive again!
  • A lot of women are hesitant to include strength training into their workout routine. You really need it! Muscle will burn more calories than fat will. Muscle will also help your shape look better. We all know what fat looks like - cottage cheese! Muscle is lean and smooth! Strength training will also help your bones stay…
  • My husband really liked the P90X DVD's. They are tough, but really get results. Good Luck!
  • I'm 5' 11" and weigh 206#. That's my heaviest ever - even when pregnant! I wear a size 14 now. I want to be in an 8. I've been down to 140 before, but I felt the healthiest at 155. That's my goal now!