

  • I get ya on the bad relationship with parents, nice to eat what you want when you move out thing. I heard it all growing up. When i left home almost 6 years ago (at 18) i was around 150, now I'm 23 and the biggest I've been (230). I just started this two weeks ago, thank you for sharing your story and being a wonderful…
  • I totally get it! I'm sick of buying big clothes too! It's embarrassingand difficult. I'm a nanny and the couple i work for live in a house with what seems like a million up hill steps to the front door i actually have to catch my breath before i ring the Bell. How bad is that?! Lol. Feel free to add me. maybe We can help…
  • Hey, my name's kat. I just had that surgery last year. Avoid fats obviously but beware of strong spices and onions, sometimes even milk At first. just started this mfp and its helped a lot. Try soups and whole grains, fruits and veggies (careful to avoid ice burg lettuce And other water lettucess, they will make you run to…
  • Hey there, I'm Catherine, I'm 23 and I've been right where you're at. I've tried sooo many Diets (the diet pills too). I've yo yo dieted so much over the years. I'm not going to try to tell you to do stop the mill milkshake thing, if it works for you that great. What I've done when On the diet and it actual added energy…