

  • During Mr Ali's teachings, he had never discussed anything about being on a vacation. The article states that even though you are in a vacation and therefore out of town it does not give you an excuse to ruin your diet by not eating healthy food or trying to go to the gym once in a while. One essential thing that was…
  • One similarity is that both Mr. Ali's teachings and "the article" informed us to wake up early to eat a decent meal for breakfast. In the fitnesspal program we follow our own specific calorie intake, rather than taking calories from days to reach the 2000 calorie intake. The calculation in the article are different than…
  • There are similarities in eating green gulore and similarities in preperations for eating in night and day. However, there's a difference in the lean protein servings for every meal and eating just enough of protein by the fitnesspal calculator which by taking more may result in a damage kidney. The article also informs us…
  • Throughout reading the article i came to discover that eating protein is actually thermogenic and can lead to a higher metabolic rate. Contrastly, the article says that by decreasing the amount of exercise in cardio and try to not eat much so that you'd lose weight dramatically. You must drink plenty and plenty of water.…
  • While reading several pages from the article, I saw that there was a similarity between what we were being taught and what is being read from the article. They both agree to eat every 2-3 hours, to eat green galore vegetables with every meal, and to eat lean protein. The differences was that the article tries to add more…
  • Today we were introduced to the ladder agility exercise in which we tried to quickly jump in three different ways in order to strengthen our agility and make us able to quickly stop and change direction. However, we did many mistakes while doing these exercises and that resulted in us doing several pushups
  • Today, we changed the rm to 10 instead of 12. Therefore, the weights for every press was increased by 5 percent. This made it very challenging for me to completely finish the 3 sets with a 10 rm. In this case, i had struggled through finishing my last sets and managed to do a 8 rm. I should double my efforts in trying to…
  • Today i did cardio for 40 minutes, going up and down the stairs. Somehow, even though i did a great job doing cardio and managed to work pretty hard, i was thoughtlessly called being "absent" and didn't matter what i would do later on. THANK YOU MR ALLY YOU'RE A VERY CONSIDERATE TEACHER!
  • Almost three weeks have passed and my weight had almost stayed the same even though im in the weight-loss group. However, from now on i will do my best in doing the workouts assigned for me and will pay closer attention on the amount of food i get into my stomach. Nevertheless, i had cardio today and had put on my full…
  • Today, March 19th, I had weight lifting. Therefore, I worked on my back "rows" and completed 12 repetitions with 10 kgs for three sets. After that, i did the leg press using 280lbs and managed to barely finish 12 reps for 3 sets. Then, i did the 35lbs chest press and did the 12 repetitions for 3 sets. After that i did…
  • Today I had cardio. I managed to go up and down the stairs for 35 minutes. Before the end of the class, I stretched out and worked my abs for the whole last 10 Minute. left in class. I felt very energetic and proud of myself for what I've accomplished throughout the full duration of class. However, I felt very tired during…
  • Yesterday I was late but I still managed to get into my exercise and went up and down the stairs and walking after that.
  • Today, I did chest press incline for three sets. I chose the weight to be 80 lbs and had completed my 12 repititions for every set. Then I did the leg press exercise for three sets. The weights I used were 280 lbs for all three sets which had 12 reps. After that, I did the back exercise where i used the 10 kg dumbels for…
  • I learned several crucial and important things from the fitness pal. One of these things is that I realized that by just not eating and starving eventually wouldn't help you at all. However, by making a healthy schedule filled with protein and green vegetables and trying to stay away from eating unhealthy carbs is the…