

  • The homemade foods are from when I go to a restaurant or something and their calories aren't listed anywhere so I just log the homemade version of that food
  • I agree. However, it is a lot harder to feel full on 100 calories of junk food than on 100 calories of vegetables.
  • One of my issues is that I live at home and my parents buy the groceries (I am a college student and am saving up as much money as possible). I am the only one in my house trying to lose weight so the food in the house probably isn't the best food to eat when trying to lose weight. Maybe I should start buying my own…
  • By "moving around more at work", I mean going outside and walking a mile during each break and parking much farther away from the building and walking the rest of the way. That's around 3-4 miles a day. I would say this qualifies as lightly active.
  • Thanks for the advice on eating 1837. I've noticed that these past two weeks, I've been set at 1603 calories but walking about 3 miles a day and lifting a little. It seems that since I started working out, the 1603 never seems like enough so I end up going over about 100-200 calories a day. Hopefully with the increased…
  • My diary is public now. Feel free to take a look at it. And I have been gaining around .5 pounds each week for 2 weeks. Nothing crazy but enough to make me notice. So no, I haven't been measuring out my foods each time I eat them. But I know for sure that I am not eating 2 times as much as the recommended serving size or…
  • Feel free to add me as well! It's important to take control of your life and be the happiest you that you can be. It is always better to have support along the way!
  • I have always had multiple cats in the house growing up. I currently have 2 cats that I ADORE! One is climbing on me right now actually haha. Feel free to add me :) I just began tracking and would like the added support in the MFP community
  • People that see you everyday or every week may not notice the difference because they see you so often. However, I am sure that someone who hasn't seen you in months is more likely to notice the weight loss.