

  • thanks guys for the advice so far! our pt program isn't really broken down into the different groups the way that i think that it should be. i have no control over that though, its a mandatory program that i have to attend 4 times a week. a typical week we do the same exercises over and over again. this week so far from…
  • one of the girls on here told me the best way to help you keep on track for losing weight is to make yourself goals and to reward yourself for meeting those goals. for instance my first goal is 185 and i'm going to reward myself with a new blender which will help me with staying on the right track as well, i can make…
  • special k chocolatey chip cookie bar so good!
  • i have days like that, when i get stressed or angry and then i just don't care what i eat, a few hours later or may be even a few day later i get upset that i let myself down and ate all the junk. i don't know how to beat it though, i'm still fighting that fight as well. i guess you just have to realize that no matter what…
  • hey, i wouldn't worry too much about the scale, your weight can change up to 5 lbs through out the day to be a negative or a positive, but don't skip the weigh in because at your next one you could be more disappointed in the weight lose if you go off the weight before your skipped weigh in. if you get your waist measured…