I have almost 8 packs abs. I like my chest like that. In this case, will it be very clever to gain some weight to cut it after ? I just want this little amount of belly fat on my lower abs to get away. Thank you in advance, Thomas
And I have a last question, what would you suggest as my calorie intake per day? As I said my TDEE is 2503 calories/day (that means I don't gain/lose weight if I eat this amount of calories each day) I want to lose fat and want to be shredded. What deficit is reasonable to lose my stubborn belly fat (I have almost nothing…
Thank you very very much ! I appreciated it !
Haha, No thank you very much for your help, I want to learn new things ;) I got you, what about those carbs on t-day ? What would you suggest ? Do I have to keep it low ? I weight 168lbs, I'm 5'10" tall and I'm 23. What about proteins intake/day ? Thank you in advance, Thomas
I took these information from the Leangains guide which is one of the best technique for losing fat I think. And the other website from where I calculated my macros is this one : I don't lift weights…