ErinNichole76 Member


  • Depo was my first form of birth control. I was on it for about 3.5 years. In the first few months I gained about 15 lbs then gradually a few pounds every few months. My schedule was all kinds of crazy in during a good period of the 3.5 years, I worked the night shift at a hotel for just over a year in the middle of it. The…
  • I've been on blood pressure meds for about 3 years now. Last fall my doc wanted to get an echo of my heart to watch how hard it actually has to work to beat. The tech showed me the bit of video he took of my heart and carefully explained what I was looking at and if it was good or not. Specifically the slightly leaky valve…
  • I want to be my own dress-up doll when I go clothes shopping. Most of my shopping gals are skinnier than I so I pick outfits and ask them to try them on to see what they look like. I want to be able to pick out the outfit and try it on for myself.
  • Wish I had read this Wedn. Thank you!
  • Thanks I needed that this week.
  • glad I'm not alone. I often have very negative thoughts toward my husband as I try to lose weight. And to keep from going overboard with my thoughts I'll stop there for now. The old stick-figure slim quick commercials describe my situation almost perfectly.
  • I am not a big fan of water either. I drink it like crazy, but its not my favorite by a long shot. Growing up it was either sugar free kool aid or milk because we had well water that just tasted muddy to me even after we got a filtration system. Seriously I think my intestines are permanently stained purple from all the…
  • 1996 Toyota Tercel with 197000+ miles and lots of accidents (I'm not the world's best driver) The check engine light has been on for about 4 years now and now the oil light comes and goes. BUT I'm still getting 36 miles per gallon and that's with me being the 'excess cargo' that the experts say drags down gas mileage.…
  • I despise grocery shopping! Its just me & the hubs here and some weeks I feel like I'd get more nutrition out of just eating the cash I was going to spend on the food. We are constantly on the go and the one night a week I am home in time to cook a meal, that's the last thing I want to do because there are a ton of other…
  • human skin but I'm just getting started.
  • I lost a few pounds before this happened but this is my motivation to stick with it: A horrible terrible nightmare about having a heart attack and emergency heart transplant. I'm too young to have crazy dreams like that. I don't ever want to have a heart attack or a transplant or to have to buy a larger pant size. Thanks!
  • This is Going to Happen! It took a long time to get to 270 lbs (as of Jan 1, 2012). And its going to take a long time to drop the 100-130 lbs I want to lose. Fridays are my weigh in mornings. I can't wait to see what the scale says this week. I feel so much better than I did just a few weeks ago. Now if only all the other…
  • yes count me in! thanks
  • Hi All! I'm going to start this in the morning. I'm skipping the initial test because I know it won't be a very good number anyway. Thanks for the encouragement!