Hi, my name is Gabby~ I will be giving up: Pop (not including the 0 cal ones) Pure Sugary Crap (ice cream, cotton candy) Potato chips No more than 1 bread product per day 1-2 cheat meals a week Itll be hard, but itll be worth it :)
I also have a crap ton to lose :P
wow- you guys have amazing dedication! :D i hope i can go that far too
Dominoes Pizza
We like to observe humans to learn their mannerisms... we need all the info we can get in order to fully eliminate them *ominously licks paw*
"Youre young- you can focus on weight loss later in life! Youre fine" uh, no, im not. Being young is the perfect time to start! I dont wanna be 40 and barely able to move so stop telling me this ><
I just joined recently, but id LOVE to have a 90 day streak! im right along with you :) *sends friend request*
Canadian here! always looking for new freinds :)
FR sent~
I need to lose 100+ aswell *_* good luck to the both of us
I'm one aswell. As for binge eating, whenever i have an uncontrollable urge to binge, i have prunes. Yep, prunes. 5 prunes are 100 calories and i cant eat more then 10 without feeling so full im gonna explode. This is because they absorb water in your stomach and expand. So prunes+lots of water is a good way to go!