

  • The phrase you are what you eat means that if you want to be in an specific shape or physical apperance you have to make choices. If you eat really sugary foods you will most likely obtain a type of diabetes. When you eat healthy you will probably have higher energy and a great meatbolism.
  • My daily calorie intake is about 1,500 but it can vary sometimes. I exceed in potassium and I should intake more protein because I lack in it.
  • I agree on you Alondra that I once I start excercising more my water consumption gets higher. I believe it is because our bodies run on water and when we sweat we need to recor our water levels.
  • On a scale of 1-10 I give my self a 10 hydration. Water is a must for me I don't rarely drink sodas or juices because I know the importance of water. A good tip to maintain a good water consumption is to get a reusable water bottle so you can refill it for later.
  • I think because food is our source of energy that perhaps because breakfast is our first meal of the day we should consider it more than most of the other meals. Lunch is like about midday and your body will get tire if you don't consume at least a cereal bar for breakfast.
  • Sometimes I don't eat breakfast because I am on the run but I should work on it because breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
  • That is very true.
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