I think all the areas in the recommended daily values in my chart are very low. Honestly, i thought i ate a lot and healthy but i guess i really don't eat so much. I could go a whole day without eating and that's not okay. I do eat a lot though but i have to see what i really do need to really reach up to my daily values…
Good job bae, stay healthy okay? and drink more water it gets better and water becomes good to you! Keep trying you'll see how it'll make you healthier. (: ;* your cute btw.
My overall hydration i would say is a 9. I keep myself drinking water, juice, eating fuit, or veggies. Whenever i crave something i get it! I drink a lot of water because i do need to stay fit and i may be fast food or unhealthy food but i don't all the time. I drink and eat a lot of healthy stuff. Mainly water! I would…