msLigits Member


  • Count me in ladies! I'm currently 7 weeks pp and breastfeeding my baby girl, although I do supplement a little. I'm 6'2 and went up to 233 at the end of pregnancy, down to 208 2 weeks pp, but since then the weight has been hanging right around 208-212. My husband bought us a stationary bike and I'm now starting to diet a…
  • Hi! Im 6'2 and always around 172-186lb, around size 10-12, BMI 22-24. I have been an athlete for most of my life have a good amount of muscle on me, currently lifting 2x a week and doing cardio 6 days a week... I just want to be lean and be able to see my abs :) Therefore, I want to lean out to well under 20% body fat, and…