

  • Just because you splurged one day doesn't mean its the end of the world. You just need to compensate. I'm reminded of last season's biggest loser with Tara who was all weightloss driven when they went home and Jillian had to take her out drinking to show her it's ok to indulge now and then.... no one's going to die from…
  • The 30 day shred is really awesome! I love it so much. I also like that you can switch up the DVDs. I've been using the Exercise TV on Demand through Comcast and get to change up my routine often to avoid getting bored. If you have it check out the Bollywood dance video. It's great cardio and I feel like I'm ready to die…
  • I tried it once, but I hated it after a week. It's too much cereal for me. We've been doing the meal plan from the website. I totally love it. You eat more times a day so you're not as hungry and it's very adaptable to fit your likes/dislikes and life styles. So far it's working well for us!
  • I had that kind of an issue Monday when my boss brought in homemade fudge (my favorite) and put it into a common area I had to walk past about a billion times. I spend the whole day twittering/facbeook updating about it and surprisingly the whining made me fell a whole lot better. GO FIGURE!