Blakelynn3 Member


  • I just found out thru a friend that there's going to be a 5k mud run at a nearby beach in September. It looks like a lot of fun so I might sign up for it!!
  • I've had a small success, losing 16lbs since January, doing only Zumba and changing up my diet. It's the only form of exercise I've found that I don't dread so hopefully it'll keep working for me longterm.
  • Mine kind of came in waves. I've been wanting to lose weight for a long time. I'd try and a week or two later give up. lol. Then in September I broke my foot. I got REALLY frustrated at how dependent I was on others, how little I was able to do and that I was gaining even more weight from sitting on my butt and not being…
  • Congrats on the weight-loss!! And good luck on the 5k! :)
  • I've been having that same discussion. I just have to prove my motivation will stick first. I haven't been able to get in as much exercise in at home as I'd like due to my schedule so I figure once I am consistent with getting in at least 3 days in at home for a while, I'll be able to convince him (but mostly myself) that…
  • Congrats on the weight loss & the good report with the doctor! Share your sweet tooth secrets! haha
  • Congrats on the weight loss! I also definitely credit my MFP friends for keeping me motivated for so long! :)
  • Congrats on 15lbs! I haven't been able to exercise as much as I'd like either, since I'm still recovering from a broken foot. :/ It'll all come together eventually as long as we keep trying!
  • If you like Zumba, look up Refit Rev on Facebook or Youtube. They have really good youtube videos with 45 minute playlists to get in a full workout. They just came out with a dvd too. They are 'clean' and use a lot of Christian songs in the workouts too.
  • Same here with the food. I'm staying under my calories, however I've found that I can eat a grilled chicken sandwich and waffle fries from Chick-fil-a and still easily stay under my calories for the day. So, I've been eating there about once a week. I'm sure it's contributing to my slow weight loss. Don't quit! I'm doing…
  • So far I fail at the Squat Challenge. I need to set a reminder on my phone or something. haha!
  • I'm jumping in without reading all 6 pages. I'm just starting out and if my diary were public, you'd see plenty of 'junk'. I'm slowly changing my eating habits. And I'm learning moderation. If I go out to eat, I order what I want and eat less of it. If I am eating fast food, I'll get a grilled chicken sandwich (dry - no…
  • The link didn't work for me :/
  • Fun! Starting: 235 Current: 220 Goal: 130 Height: 5'6 Age: 27 Shape: Hourglass-ish. At least, I was when I was thinner. I'm starting to see it a little again but I have a spare tire around the waist so maybe a little apple shaped at the moment. Exercise: Currently just Zumba and walking Health issues impacting weight-loss:…
  • I'm in! Do I have to do 50 in a row? Or can I do 10 here, 15 there throughout the day? haha! :)
  • I remember you! Welcome back! :)
  • I don't. I measure food that can be measured with a measuring cup though haha. I think when I lose a bit more weight and my calorie deficit gets smaller that I'll invest in one. For now I just eyeball it based on how many servings there should be, etc. Edited to add that if I'm not really sure, I over estimate my portion…
  • I do too if I eat too many in one sitting. And my pulse skyrockets.
  • Ouch! I'm blanking on ideas for exercise since so many areas of your body were injured. I'd probably just try walking if I were determined to get up and move. But what I'd probably do is just rest until the soreness goes down and keep an extra close eye on my calories.
  • I'd suggest visiting an endocrinologist. I have PCOS but don't have ovarian cysts. The name of the disorder is misleading. I suggest reading up on it. This is a good book:
  • No. I have an under-active thyroid and PCOS. Both of which can contribute to weight gain and make weight loss harder. But I'm losing weight. Getting on meds to get your levels regulated is a must. You might have to work harder at losing weight, but it can absolutely be done.
  • That's what I'm trying to figure out. I'm losing weight at 1400 calories but according to my BMR & TDEE I'm not eating enough. And apparently eating less than your BMR is a bad thing. It makes your body take energy from places it shouldn't or something. I don't know. Like I said, I'm a newb. I started out doing this wrong…
  • Right. I used the scooby calculator and entered 1-3 hours of light exercise/week for my activity level. I also used thefitgirls calculator, citing "light exercise", just to make sure that the TDEE was correct and it was the same with both calculators. Thank you both for your help. I really appreciate it!
  • My husband is only about 20-30lbs overweight. He's not dieting or exercising but he eats the healthier dinners that I prepare without complaint because he is on board for me getting my health under control.
  • I often have enough calories left over after dinner that I can have dessert if I'm still hungry. I usually grab a skinny cow ice cream sandwich. Yum.
  • I'm rewarding myself in 10lb increments too. I got a haircut after my 1st 10lbs. I haven't decided on future rewards yet.
  • I've never heard of it either.
  • :blushing: Haha! Ok, I have two jars. One has a bunch of marbles in it. Every time I lose a pound I move a marble to the other jar. I saw the idea on Pinterest. I like having a visual.
  • - The Success Stories thread definitely helps. - Being in this group and on MFP in general, where others are checking in every day & having people to chat about weight loss helps too. - Just being determined. - Having health issues that can be controlled with weight loss is a motivator. - Keeping my goals small helps,…