

  • The same thing seems to happen to me every time as well. I kind of see it as something that is trying to detour me from my goals, but I refuse to let that happen. I just had the stomach flu last week but I was back in the game the first day I was able to.
  • Exactly what I was talking about. Hang in there-it should only be temporary.
  • A lot of people will tell you that it's muscle, but if you just started this workout/diet plan that's not what it is. When you exercise you increase your water intake. Your weight issue is most likely water weight and will stay that way until your body gets used to the increase in water that you are taking in.
  • There are no calories, but if you look at the ingredients they are actually worse than a regular non-diet soda. Aspartame gives me really bad headaches and also causes me to crave sugar like crazy.