yumyum613 Member


  • Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. And for those of you who have commented that I look like a sock monkey in your friend requests to me...yep, I sure do! I also drive a Kia Sorrento, so watch out for me out there!
    in HEY! Comment by yumyum613 August 2011
  • There was a time where I was doing 5 days a week but then I would burn out. Plus, I was going to bed at 8 so I could get up at 4 for the gym--yes, I know, insane!!! Since Jan. 1 though, I've decided to just go every other day. There are nights where I like to stay up later and I like the flexibility that every other day…
  • I'm not a big yogurt person, but I'm using it to keep me regular now. I eat Chobani too and it's eh, okay. It does remind me a lot of sour cream until I stir up the fruit from the bottom. I put 1/4 cup of granola in it to give me that crunch that I love, but man, after all that, it's 340 calories! I could think of better…
  • I used to have someone in my life who treated me that way. We would go out to eat and when I'd order dessert, he'd say, "are you sure you should be eating that?" I felt like pummeling him. Well, 10 years after dumping that idiot, I have a man who thinks that the extra poundage I have is sexy! Our very first date, he told…
  • I find that exercising early as possible in the morning helps me get on the right track. Once you've done it, you're burning calories all day and you have a good feeling of well-being. Plus, for me, exercising first thing helps me eat healthier all day. It's a mental thing for me. If I've started my day off great, I don't…