Roisindubh32 Member


  • Yep, I've been guessed constantly at 23 or 24. Some pretty hilarious stories attached to that too. lol. When I was younger, I absolutely hated it. At 25, I was told by the doorman of a bar "You are over 18, and my dear, I am the Queen of England. Cya." I stopped getting carded by 28, but I still get mistaken for the same…
  • I have to quote this because it's some awesome advice about the outfit. I am so jealous of your big adventure. Why waste it being a slave to a scale? Enjoy it. You already look amazing from what I can see in your avatar. Work out, eat healthy, and stop worrying. I know you said you're an athlete. You need to be strong,…
  • THIS!!! The 1200 is just a basic guide. It's like "okay, if I did nothing at all, this is how many calories I would need to eat to lose weight." Then you compensate based on workouts etc. My job is sedentary. I may have days where I am sitting on my butt behind a computer for most of the day because there is a deadline to…
  • Everyone is different. This has been working for me. On the days that I exercise, I up my calorie intake and on the days that I am sitting at a desk all day, it's 1200. I will change this up later when I get another 5lbs off, but it's been working since I started 3 weeks ago and I've already lost 4lbs. I am not really…
  • Hmm, now I'd ask why do you want to lose 20lbs? If you're lifting weights, you're going to be heavier and look leaner. Taking your muscle gain into account, maybe 20lbs is too much and your body is fighting it which is why you lost your period at one point. This can happen if you are underweight. You'd probably be a…
  • Well done so far. You look great!
  • Wow! Well done, the change is amazing. There's those of us who don't have a lot to lose, and it comes off much slower and much more frustratingly. I am wanting to get off 20lbs and averaging about 1lb per week. Looking at the difference that 26lbs makes is inspiring to everyone here. I know it makes me even more…
  • I'm 5'8 and just started out here. 140 and toned is my target as well. I put on more than a few pounds while I was sick. When I got better, I was just lazy and didn't do anything to get back in shape. I have new motivation now. I want to fit into my summer wardrobe and look good in them, not like a sack tied in the middle…