

  • age:26 height: 5'1 current weight: 113 Goal weight: 105? Really the number on the scale doesn't mean much to me- i'm primarily concerened with how my body looks. My goal is to tighten up and tone so I can feel good in a bathing suit. Calories: 1200 Excersize: 30 day shred, running here and there, and long bike rides on…
  • Yeah, i'm pretty sure he IS eating more on most he'll have an extra couple snacks after work/before dinner i've noticed, or he'll slip in a beer...but we have a list of the calorie totals of pretty much everything we have in the house, and he writes down everything he eats on the white board on our fridge...its…
  • I agree with you all in that he should be eating more. Trust me. But, regardless of the fact that 1300 calories is unhealthy for him, he should most certainly be losing weight!! Seems pretty odd to me. There's also no way I am going to convince him to eat MORE while he isn't losing anything while eating this little. In…
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