

  • I did my Fit test last night! it was hard - and I'm sore today - but will reap the rewards in 60 days! Actual first day is today! Lets do this! Kick it!
  • There is a measuring gadget that you can buy that has a hole in it for different measurments that you place around the pasta. I would say placing your index finger to your thumb - and placing it around the outside of the pasta. That is probably close - but maybe too much - cut that in half would be a good idea. Just a…
  • I have just over 70 days before I go on a cruise. I am also hopeing to lose about 30 lbs - but realistically if I lose 20 - i will be happy. EXERCISE! Toning your body will help not only make you feel better - but toning and tightening - will make all the difference. I was at 159 lbs and a size 8 - 2 years ago. Life got in…