

  • I am new on the sight also. good luck to you!
    in NEW!! Comment by hklbry February 2010
  • I didn't start at the beginning of January, but I did lose 5 lbs last month. Lets hope we can all do it again in February!!! I am down below 190 now and it's GREAT !!!! But still have a lloooonnnnggg way to go. Keep at it everyone. WE can do it. Decide! Commit! Succeed!
  • It feels good doesn't it? Yea, good for you. Keep up the hard work and as long as you are feeling better every day that is what trully counts. Even with myself, the scale says I have lost, my clothes say I have changed, but when I look in the mirror, I do'nt know that I see much seems we get comfortable…
  • Way to GO! you can do this. I just started yesterday also, and while it feels overwhelming...visualize the end results you are looking for and keep that in mind. If you went to AA with your sister then you should know the serenity prayer...right? Repeat that every day. good luck, and have fun with this process too.