

  • Congratulations! Your photos and story are an inspiration to me. My weight loss progress has been very slow, but I'm determined not to gain it back this time, so I really have to watch it on weekends and holidays. Best wishes for your continued success!
  • Hi Tricia, I just saw your post now. I've never been to any of the concerts at Indian Ranch, but they certainly have some big names there - you probably get to hear them for free from the campground! Hi to everyone else - I started kickboxing about a year ago and I try to run/walk whenever the weather is decent. I walked…
  • I have a similar problem, I can run for about one minute and then I'm completely out of wind and it takes me forever to catch my breath. I asked my doctor about it, and he said to just keep running and that my lung capacity would increase over time. I can also run a bit further if I run slowly (which sounds like a…
  • Hi Tricia, I live in RI, but I work at Commerce Insurance, which is about a mile from Indian Ranch. I want to start walking/running after work on Tuesdays and Thursdays (I kickbox on Mon/Wed/Fri) when it gets warmer, and I had a hard time getting anyone at work to walk with me after work last year - everyone just wants to…
  • I just tried something new: I don't have any plain protein powder in the house, but I do have a container of vanilla SlimFast powder. While the oatmeal was cooking in the microwave, I made a SlimFast shake with 1 scoop of powder and 8 ounces of milk, and then I added that plus a sliced up banana to the oatmeal to replace…