linda513 Member


  • I turned 60 in May. I started working out again in my home gym, using the Thinner Leaner Stronger book. I'm counting macros and working out 4 days a week. I need to lose body fat!
  • I'm on oral HRT and it's a lifesaver for me. I'm almost 59 and I started about 6 years ago. I guess I'll have to go off of it sometime, but hopefully not anytime soon.
  • I gained 45 pounds while on Zoloft. It made me very tired, I was sleeping 2 hours in the afternoon and 10 hours at night. I was also more hungry and I ate more. I lost the weight after I stopped the medication. But I do know that some SSRIs can change your metabolism - a good friend had her RMR tested before meds and was…
  • I just turned 57! Weight loss is extremely slow at our age, and it seems as though we have to restrict calories to a very low level. As if getting older isn't bad enough, we can hardly eat! I'm happy to be your friend.
  • I've read Dr. McDougall's books and they make sense to me. I just overlook all of the claims he makes about curing things. Check out this guy on youtube, he ate nothing but potatoes for a whole year: I think eating a whole foods, plant based diet, without added oil,…
  • When I lost a lot of weight and became a runner, I was obsessed as well. My social life practically disappeared because I wouldn't eat out. Watching calories was more important to me than relationships. Therapy really can help with that, as well as with the rest of the items you mentioned. Insight is the first step, but…
  • I downloaded Appetite for Reduction last week and have made two things already, which were delicious and easy to make. Isa Chandra Moskowitz is one of my favorite vegan cookbook authors. Thank you for the recommendation!
  • I've been vegan for almost 4 years. I'd love to have some friends - feel free to add me!