
  • I just heard of P90X today and am looking into it....
  • There is a lot of good information on this topic on the internet. I generally try to stay away from carbonated anything sweetened with artificial sweeteners. I hope this helps a little. http://www.truthaboutabs.com/diet-soda-makes-you-fat.html
  • I'm new here too and am loving it already! There's such an awesome support system here and you are completely free to vent and be real. :) Let's do it!
  • Thanks for your responses, everyone! Low Carb works great for me. But you're right Bev.... once you're off the weight comes right back. It just has to be a way of life and not a diet for me. My body doesn't react favorably to carbs! I'm careful to keep my carbs at a level where I am still able to run 13 miles a day... so I…