

  • It's not "weight watchers" but google "Cook Yourself Thin Cake Recipes" I LOVE the carrot cake :) It tells you how many calories per serving. The cookbook is amazing. Everything in it is great and somewhat low calorie friendly.
  • I stay under/close to 1200 a day. On the weekends I am usually under 1200, just because we have no food in our house and we live so far out in the country its a waste to drive :) When I dieted last summer, I thought I'd have trouble staying under 1200, but totally didn't! Good luck, we're in the same boat! I'd love to help…
  • I buy the minute brown rice, and then a birds eye steam bag of veggies. I mix them together and wa-la :) There's lunch. A little soy sauce added completes the meal :) It's delicious, fast and easy. Keeping it up is the hard thing for me. I teach Special Education in a self contained classroom, and 3/5 days of the week I am…