

  • I am 24 years old - getting married this summer. I have always been "overweight", but have always had the mantra "muscle weighs more than fat." While true, fat also weighs something. I had been fine with the number on the scale until I hit 198. I knew that weight didn't matter to me as much as feeling and looking healthy -…
  • My biggest eye opener: "Daaaaayum I eat more sugar than I thought." Which isn't to say I was downing Pixie Stix left and right - almost all of my sugar was coming from fruit. But there's a lot of sugar in fruit! I've also learned that not everyone is supportive of my new choice - but those that are make all the difference.
  • Hi Stephanie! I just joined on...Tuesday? Good to have you join us - I've only just begun to scratch the surface of all MFP has to offer. Anyone can feel free to add me as we all need good support systems. :smile:
  • I have always been slightly overweight, even being in sports year round growing up. Once I got to college and didn't play sports any more, the pounds started packing on. Junior year, I hit 200 and knew something had to change. The next summer, I would work all day and then come home and run/rollerblade/bike in the…