

  • Your body has got used to 'cleaner' unprocessed foods. So eating Subway is hard for your stomach to digest as it's VERY processed. Look at the bread from Subway , it looks very synthetic. When I went into a Subway once, I asked the server which Sandwich would be the best for me as a dieter and he told me 'None' . He…
  • Every fat person has felt like you at some point in their lives, whether they admit it or not. Most of us have tried a "quick fix" and that's just what it is. The weight comes off quickly on these fad diets and goes back on very fast once the diet has stopped. Please don't despair and don't feel alone. All fat people have…
  • That's food for thought! ( excuse the pun) . Actually, I like the way you think . It's refreshing . I never thought of it that way. I think that by counting calories etc it's replacing one addiction with another. However, maybe it's better to replace an obsession with food with counting calories, monitoring exercise etc.…
  • ADD ME ! I'm from London. My first day here!
  • Hiya ! A few suggestions...... Pizza fingers, scotch eggs, cheese straws, pasta salad, potato salad, coleslaw , pastry cheese puffs, ( these are ; triangles of ruff puff pastry with cheese inside, you can buy ready made pastry) , vegetable puffs, sausage rolls, different types of quiches, olive and cheese pieces on sticks,…
  • I'm looking for support and motivation too! And of course I'll do the same! I've just joined , a few hours ago. I'm from the UK, London and happy to chat to cheerful, happy-go-lucky people who also have a goal to reach. I have no clue how this App works but am gonna give it a go!
  • LETS HELP EACH OTHER! I joined today ! I need to lose 3 .5 stones. Sorry to my American pals , I don't know what that is in pounds! I'm from London, UK. I have no idea how Fitnesspal works, at all . All I know is that I want to lose weight and look and feel good. Add me if you like!
  • I've just joined about an hour ago . I stumbled on this website , whilst surfing on the net. As I'm very new to this website , I'm not sure exactly how this website works. I would love some friends on here. I need support and motivation , like everyone else on here! I'm very good at motivating and supporting other people .…
  • Hello ! It's fantastic that you're back! And you're inspiring as you've already lost weight. I can relate to that feeling of not being fit enough to play as well as you'd like with an active 6 year old boy. My nephew is of the same age. I was trying to keep up with him and was getting out of breath. It's horrible being so…
  • Good Evening Everyone! It's my first day on here. I just "happened" on this website whilst surfing the net. We all need support , so I'm happy to support anyone who needs it. Needless to say I also need motivation!
  • "Nothing tastes as good as thin looks"
  • Well done Nat Love your pics , what a difference, you now look amazing! It's my first day on here. I have to lose 3 1/2 stone. I really hope this App works for me. I realise that I have to make it work. It's a struggle, let the battle begin! :smooched:
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