

  • I've never had a ceiling. When I was younger, I'd panic a lot over numbers. I'd look at the scale and think, "I can't weigh more than this." But there was never an idea that I was ok as long as I was under a certain number. Each time it went up, I'd just readjust and promise that that would be my heaviest. The highest I…
  • About 5 years ago, I dropped 25 pounds in 4 or 5 months. I always had an "off" day, when I ate whatever I wanted without thinking about it, drank pop and everything. It never really affected my weight loss, and having a day when I could eat things that didn't fit into my diet always helped me stick to my diet because I…
  • Not that I'm disagreeing about the bra thing, but it is possible for clothing to make tissue "migrate." Waist training with corsets can change the shape of a person's waist when used for a long period. There are also plenty of more morbid examples, like foot binding. The key is, these require a whole lot more pressure (and…