tmjdunn Member


  • I also recommend Fitness Blender workouts
  • WELCOME! I like RI30 better than the 30DS for sure. It is tough, especially in the later weeks, but as long as you stick to it and give it your all you will see some amazing improvement in strength. I am actually planning on doing it again once I finish it this time to see the changes.
  • Got Day 4 in today. Once again noticed improvement. Probably going to do a second workout tonight of Walk away the Pounds just to get some added burn in. Take care of yourself TurboTam! Nothing wrong with taking is slow so your body can heal!
  • For my husband, myself, out 3yr old, 2 cats, and a dog our food budget was $200 every two weeks so $400 per month. I had a separate budget for household goods that is between $25 and $50 per pay period depending on the bills that period. I preplanned all of my meals and made a list before shopping. I try to base my meal…
  • Great Job ChippleMunk!! Yeah on day one as soon as the warm up started I was like what is this....this is a warm up. Congrats on the awesome results!
  • Justin's dark chocolate peanutbutter cups. the ones that come 1 to a package are 80 cals each...the ones in a two pack are 100 cals each i believe. soooo yummy.
  • Today was Wk3D3 for me and i felt improvement today. I took a good rest day yesterday and did a walking workout instead of RI30. I was DRIPPING in sweat today. Like it was ridiculous. I think it was a combo of it being a hot day today and being able to push myself a bit harder on some of the more difficult moves.I also…
  • Did my day 2 and yup, hate the duck walks. I totally am in a half squat for the burning. Doing pretty good with most of the moves. The only one I have a true issue with is the jumping lunges. I injured myself last year doing those in the 30DS so I do high kneed for the cardio on those ones. Totally not worth…
  • So I just did Wk3D1 in a pretty cramped space and i can tell you that is you can make week two work you should be able to do week 3. I had to make sure I was using short strides on the first strength set, and I always have a space issue on the ab moves that have us laying with both our arms and legs extended so i usually…
  • Yeah i tended to dread week 2 as well. I think it was all the plank work...killed my wrists and made me not enjoy as much as I probably otherwise would have.
  • Wow was that intense. Today was my day one of week three. Wow, the quads and the triceps are insane. I feel like I need to do an extra ab workout though as I didn't feel a lot of the ab moves in this level. I was excited to see the twisting planks though, those were one of my faves in 30 DS
  • Didi my final week 2 workout today. I am super excited to start week 3. I am probably going to do walking workouts over the weekend and start week 3 on Monday. Excited to see what is next.
  • Did Wk2D4 today and it is getting easier. I still hate the first carido circuit and will be very happy when I no longer have to do plank jacks and mountain climbers. I took a day off from all workouts yesterday and I think that helped as my wrists were less angry with me today. I really need to get my but to the store and…
  • I have done 3 days of week 2 and took today to just do a walking workout. I have actually found that I need to go get some heavier weights as I only have 3 pounders and i am finally getting the upper body strength to bump up. Crow pushups kill me, but I always feel so strong when I get done with them. I am also doing a lot…
  • I have been pairing it with walk away the pounds workouts too. They are a lot more fun than I thought they would be.
    in Week 1 Comment by tmjdunn May 2014
  • I got my Wk2D1 workout in today too. Loved it. I absolutely hate that mt. climbers and plank jacks are together, but overall I really like this week. there are a lot of moves that make me feel really strong. And of course it always feels good to be dripping sweat at the end of a workout.
  • Also, my. climbers and plank jacks in the same circuit are EVIL.
  • Just did my first day of week 2 and my arms handled it pretty good I think. not really sore at all. Guess it is time to get some heavier weights.
  • Totally get that. Rest days are important though. I find I notice the best results the day after i have a rest day.
  • Eep...hope you get your neck better rebecca. I can see where ripped might be irritating it...there is a lot of shoulder work in level one.
  • I do the exact same thing. I am also working out in a fairly cramped space. glad I am not the only one who has modifies the side lunges.
  • I had been using this, but for some reason when I tried to get into it today my access was blocked
  • Yes, I find myself constantly wishing there was a like button.
  • I am originally from MN, but am out east now. You can add me if you like, I am on pretty much everyday.
  • I also loathe the running man. I too keep telling myself you can do anything for 30 seconds, but i feel like that second set is longer than 30 seconds...probably isn't but man does it feel like it. Nothing wrong with switching to running in place if needed...keep moving, keep your HR up, keep burning. I am on day four…
  • Feel free to add me. I just hit the 50 day mark a few days ago. I am hoping that I will be able to stick with it this time and so far so good.
  • I did a long walking workout on Saturday and took Sunday off. I am excited to get back into it today for Day 3. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.
    in May 4th Comment by tmjdunn May 2014
  • I got my Day two in as well. It was a bit of a challenge as I had a toddler who would not nap so i had to find something that would distract him for the 30 minutes that I was busy. My hamstrings are also really sore. They feel a bit better tonight than they did last night though. I really like that there are three strength…
    in May 2nd Comment by tmjdunn May 2014
  • I have 2# and 3# weights. If you don't want to by smaller weights you could use waterbottles. Full 20oz bottles are just shy of 2 pounds. I did this when I was first starting out tith the 30DS and didn't have weights yet. I did Day two today and man my hamstrings are killing me too! I think I am going to do some nice…
  • ^^This. I use the better homes and garden cookbook recipe everytime. The only thing i change is i add a splash of vanilla into it cuz i adore the way vanilla tastes.