
  • I decided to take middle age on....kicking and screaming! This will be my 3rd season doing sprint triathlons. I grew up as a swimmer, have learned to like road biking, and for the run.....I can always walk it so anything I run is a bonus. 3 surgeries on my right knee does limit the amount of running I do as well. Swimming…
  • I am at day 3 and seem to find more positives to say about this sight every day. This evening at dinner my husband made me show him how many calories he consumed today.....I need motivation and I am hoping that if I can show him I am trying then he will be as supportive as possible. Good luck to you.
  • I just started this week too. I love the food log...that is my major issue is that I am around food at home and for work.....I need to buy me some willpower! Best of luck.
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