

  • Thanks guys for all of your responses. I've completed the first workout and loved it - I am pooped though, it was tough. TeaBea - thanks for the link I've just joined the Insanity group... Paitiencenels: Let me know how you get on tomorrow, I know I am going to ache. Lilly23 - Join us, we are only on day 3 tomorrow so we…
  • Fantastic - well done. I am doing my first class tonight after work, I'll let you know how I get on. :o)
  • OK - you may think me crazy (I think I am crazy) but I have just started the Insanity workout program. Is there any other female embarking on this journey that could be a motivation for me, someone to suffer along side me and share in the agony :o) I've done the fitness test and am doing my first workout tonight - a little…
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