

  • Personally, I never weigh during TOM. A bonus to TOM however, is that I know that I will always be at my lowest weight of the whole month the day after TOM is over (which is quite weird- but I still loving weighing in on that day!!!!)
  • I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you Fitness Chick. Alli does not encourage you to not eat any fat- if you didn't eat any fat Alli wouldn't work because there would be no fat for it to try to flush. Alli encourages you to do the opposite (within reason) I eat naturally low fat and Alli actually encourages me…
  • One warning about the Weight Watchers desserts- if you have a binging problem don't try them! I I LOVE their lemon cake desserts and find it verrryyy easy to eat a whole box of them in one sitting...
  • Kudos to you for actually calculating how much you overate and owning up to it. When I overeat, I tend to "forget" to log those calories, sort of a denial thing. You actually had the courage to tally the numbers- good job! It means you are truly owning your health!
  • I have been on MFP and eating healthfully/working out for 3 months. First two months have been great. The past month, I dropped three pounds week one, stayed the same week 2, and jumped up three pounds week three. Basically, if I am the same weight as last week, I will have lost no weight this month. I am young, healthy,…
  • I've been on Alli for two months and I love it- it takes 1/4 of the fat you eat and flushes it out as if you never ate the calories at all. Yes, you do need to eat healthy and not overindulge when you are taking Alli- but isn't that the whole point of trying to lose weight anyway? If you really want to eat something very…
  • not much of a recipe but I love to put garlic salt on my grilled chicken and LOVE my George Forman grill. I also eat cold grilled chicken w/ tomato sauce thats good for a meal on the run.
    in Chicken Comment by Brynn May 2008