I would also like to be added. I'm having a very hard time starting. The battle is with food :( I enjoy exercise but not tackling my diet yet.
Just joined this too. Thanks!!
Amazing! How did you do it - just exercise & watching those calories?
A little cheesy, but totally motivating: search for Robert Duncan's theme song to the tv show "The Unit" on iTunes. Love it!
I'll add you!
I feel the same way - I experience the same equation where stress leads to intensive overeating. If we lived our lives without stress triggers - stress from our jobs, or our children, or our spouses, our finances - then perhaps we can nail our diets and achieve our weight targets with ease. But what I'm afraid we all need…
Hi Jenn, I'm Julia. I'm 29, have a one year old, and I'm also trying to lose weight...I would love to join your weight loss support network!
Count me in....I'll friend you!