I am ready to go again
Hi I'm in. I really need some help I'm stuck and not mentally involved . Anything that will help to get off this same weight
Okay here is one this is only how it sounds spelling huma huma nuka nuka apoapa, huma huma is the fish, nuka nukais the nose, Apopka is the pig , huma huma nuka nuka apoapa, the fish with the pig like nose . I think that I remember most of the motions from summer camp
I gave up gummy bears. I was really addicted to them. I also have backed off of all candy in general. That is so huge, I have a mega sweet tooth. B)
Hi I would like to try this. A challenge a day. I need some challenges. Today seems simple but it might be hard to do in actually throwing away something :#
May 6 green 3/20 blue 4/29
May 5 Green 2/20 Blue 3/29
May 4 Yes 1/20 green Yes 2/29 blue A good start
may 3 red calories blue water Just restarted my program and got a fitbit flex.
Okay starting again for the !!!!!!@$# time. ( Oh that was a number and a sigh) So it seams that 20/31 sounds good or since I am starting on the 3rd 20/29
No You are not selfish. I think you are brave and deserve to be your own person. You do not have to be the keeper of your family. I was in your position and in a lot of ways still am. Keep going and do not let them guilt or play games to keep you their keeper
Okay I am in, How do we do this challenge? I am new at message boards and challenges so accountability is great. Someone is watching but not judging is what I am thinking will be great
if still worried try removing battery and setting it in rice to dry it for a few hours or over night
I would like to join. I have same issues of losing and gaining. Really old habits and still gaining each time I gain back . A yo-yo that gets high. I do not want to do that any more.