

  • I started Insanity this week, this is my second attempt after having my daughter, she is 4 months old. I need some friends on here to keep me motivated!!!! I use to have an amazing body, took me a years to get in the best shape I've ever been in, then i got surprised with my daughter. Has anyone finished Insanity???
  • This is my second go at insanity, today will be day 3, definately feeling it! For those of you that are only keeping track by weight, my advivce is DO NOT DO THAT! the best thing i've ever done on top of measurements is pictures. It is true, pictures do not lie! I take a picture each monday when i'm doing any type of…
  • Hey everyone, i'm doing insanity for the 2nd attempt, first time I got injured (not because of insanity) this time i'm 4 months post-prego, i use to do tattoo modeling & work for Jager and need some motivation!!!!!! Most of my friends have these awesome bodies and are not moms so they don't understand the battle with lack…