

  • Many people lose weight without exercising. However, remember losing weight, doesn't mean only losing only body fat. The benefit of exercise is to help tone, build muscle so you can maintain muscle while losing fat. Think of pictures you have seen of people the same height/weight and some look fit and others fat. I want to…
  • As long as you are counting it in your nutritional are okay. My current goal is to gain muscle mass while losing fat. My trainer has me on 140-155 gm PRO per day. It is impossible for me to eat that much so I do rely on PRO supplements to help me meet that goal. It is added to my overall calories and macros.
  • No miracles here. It takes time. When body fat is reduced then abs improve. Abs are created in the kitchen, not the gym. Crunches, sit ups, etc. will strengthen muscle beneath the fat and improve your core, but drastic results will not be evident until fat is lower. I am not discouraging you. I have been in the same boat.…
  • If you are questioning it, then I don't think you are comfortable with it. Yes, it is good that you do log it instead of eating it and not logging it, and you say you are not over with your calories on a weekly basis. However, I have recently paid a lot of attention to macronutrients and the types of food I put in my body.…