i now i only lost .1 lb in 1 month.but gained mussel mass.and im 50 at 448 lbs
i know what your going through i have the same .i want my belly to shrink so bad but my gym trainer said unfortchenly your bell fat is the last place to go so all i can say is dont give up it will go .just hang in there
im even higher then 312 im 450 iv been working hard at it fo a mounth now.i work out at a gym and have a trainer i want the same is to lose my gut but he said its the last place were men lose maybe we can work on it togather. so send me a frind request
i dont know if anybody else does this but i dont use any fruit in my protine shakes i use coffie in gives me 2 things gives me protine and an extra boost.and iv been seeing a trainer for past 2 mounths now he says drink protine shacks.after work out not will help you recover faster after work out.
you can try to add me if you wish just click on this post and i will except
i have a bad left ankle.i lost my job just like you over a year ago it was so bad i could not put any weight on it at all i was on crotches for over 8 mounths.i put on a lot of weight from this i now weigh over 400 pounds.all the docters were telling me that i needed to be on disability i sofferd from depression then one…
im at 450 iv been working out in a gym now for a little over a going to do a weigh in in a week. i know iv lost cause my cloths are getting baggy .im hope its under the 430 mark
hello you need to hang in there i know cause i am 50 and i waigh 450 lb but im working on losing 200 in just 1 year. im an x truck why im this bad.i have a grandaughter is why i need to lose i can keep up to her.i now am seeing a trainer.he has me on a exercise plan.he is costing me but i feel a lot…