

  • Hi Im Lisa Im 25 from Auckland, had my first baby boy in November 2010. I put on over 25kg during pregnancy (I stopped weighing myself after that) due to massive swelling from pre-eclampsia, big baby and also a bit of over indulgence hehe. I dropped a fair amount of the weight after having bub and was left with 10kg to…
  • I have the same problem, I really don't like water and don't seem to be able to get myself to drink it much, I start with the best of intentions but then slowly but surely I stop. My suggestion is to mix water or soda water with a splash of flavoured cordial or juice to give it a bit of flavour. Also you can do just about…
  • Also maybe you need to get on some medication for the heartburn so that you can drink water? I live in New Zealand so I don't know what medications you have there but here losec (omeprazole) is really effective
  • I am a total juice/sugary drink addict by nature and Ive been working very hard to break the habit, luckily I can have artificial sweeteners though. What I do is put a little bit of cordial or fruit juice in a glass with soda water, I dont know if soda water affects you like normal water does? Otherwise I agree with…