Complete yay me
6 Oct sorry i had a moment
sorry please irnore this thread. sorry i missed the first one
70 second static forearm plank, 5 seconds better then yesterday
65 seconds 5 seconds better then day before forgot to post on right day
static forearm plank 60 seconds 5 seconds more then yesterday yay me
static forearm plank 55 seconds. 5 seconds better then yesterday
static forearm plank 50 seconds 5 seconds better from yesterday
static forearm plank 45 seconds that is 5 seconds better then yesterday
G'day from Australia, Static Forearm Plank 40 seconds
Hi there. i am a 35 aussie famale and to be honest the plank is not one of my favourite things. in the past i have been able to hold for about 30 seconds i think it was. but i am going to give this a go and see how i go