

  • Be careful if buying one for home use. I like to use the rowers at the gym, but bought one for home use and was disappointed. Unlike so many other pieces of exercise equipment, I couldn't find anywhere near my home to try them out. Bought one off the internet and although it was exactly as advertised, I had NO idea that…
  • Remember too, that sitting near many/most sources of electrical activity will artificially raise the heart rate reading on the monitor. Mine is affected by SITTING AT THE COMPUTER, being near the cordless phone, driving in the car and standing with my wrist near an electric lamp. However.....the treadmill doesn't bother it…
  • I did IRONING intervals today because I was behind on the laundry and it was hot outside. 1/4 mile, iron one shirt, run another 1/4 mile, iron another shirt.....each took about the same amount of time. I got a nice sweaty workout in, and the laundry is all clean, ironed and put away. ;-) Edited to add that…
  • I don't know your age or physical condition, but the first thing I would question is whether you are truly sustaining a heart rate of 180-190 throughout your 35 minute cardio session. That's very high, and if you look at the heart rate charts, you'd have to be very young, and at about 90-98% of your max heart rate to…
  • Let's not reinvent the wheel here, folks. If you want to see if your heart rate monitor is accurate, stop yourself a couple of times while you're walking on the treadmill and check your pulse manually. Then compare that reading to the heart rate that you are showing on your heart rate monitor. They should be the same. You…
  • Fitting room mirrors are the worst. they OUGHT to be providing mood lighting and margaritas and instead they have the worst mirrors ever. But.............recently I went to Marshalls and they had the number one, worst in the world mirrors and lights that I have ever experienced. The lighting in the room made the veins in…
  • 5K run...............I feel guilty all day long if I don't get something in to log. :-)
  • Always keep in mind too, that anything not pre-packaged at a factory is subject to the individual server/chef/cook's whims. The nutritional data provided by the company's website is determined by a specific weight of food. But.........that's not to say that the person ladling the sauce or dressing onto your plate is…
  • Ummm......not to put too fine a point on it, but if you don't know how to get back into a kayak after falling out, you might want to take a lesson? ;-) I'm assuming you're talking about open kayaks, otherwise your apron would keep you in the kayak. Good luck!
    in Kayaking Comment by torregro July 2011
  • Ha the shark costume idea. I still haven't really addressed the whole wardrobe issue yet, although I *am* concerned about keeping my glasses on my face, and haven't yet figured out how I'm going to see through them once they get all muddy in the swamp, but I'm going to look for some cammo tights this…
  • Just kidding about the upstream/downstream thing. When we kayak (not racing or anything), it takes about 20 minutes to go a mile. But.........depending on the river, you can spend all day traveling 10 miles. On a lake, you should be good with about 20minutes a mile or so. Have fun, I LOVE to kayak.
    in Kayaking Comment by torregro July 2011
  • Upstream or downstream? LOL
    in Kayaking Comment by torregro July 2011
  • I agree with the comment about the mileage on the shoes (in general), but some people are much harder on their shoes than others. If you tend to get the same brand/style each time once you have them properly fitted at a running store, place them up on a table or counter so that you can see how nice and flat they sit on the…
  • That's weird, because the Subway provided signage at my local store is what convinced me not to eat there! LOL This page shows that NONE of their breads or flat breads come out at anything less than 200 calories and that's before adding so much…
  • Best of luck to you and have a blast! I"m doing the Michigan one a week from Saturday........and I'm getting a little nervous. ;-)
  • Thanks for sharing. I'm going to give this a try.
  • Depends on how much time/effort/fun you want to put into the costume. You can buy one huge balloon at a party supply store, and then cover it with a light layer of paper mache. The balloon, of course, would be popped once the paper mache was dry. If you sew, you could also stitch up an 8 sectioned "ball" shape like a beach…
  • I don't have any beefs with Splenda, but I have tried two of the Walden Farms dressings and thought they were nasty tasting. They taste very much like chemicals, and I'm not adverse to better living through chemistry! LOL I even took advantage of their 100% satisfaction guarantee on the last product I tried and got my…
  • Just watched the video.....what FUN that looks like. Wish we had that type of class here.
  • You are looking marvelous, and doesn't matter how many times you fall off the wagon, it MATTERS how many times you get back on again. ;-) This is copied from another thread, but seems so appropriate for your situation. Best of luck! Only One Pound Hello, do you know me? If you don't, you should. I'm…
  • Sounds delicious, thanks for sharing!
  • Looks like a great buy..................but I just put my kernels in a brown paper lunch bag and microwave it that great! ;-)
  • What she said. Warming up is a great idea, and dynamic stretches are fine if you want to, but all the static stretching is done afterwards. Less injuries that way, and faster recovery from the workout.
  • I have no quarrel with you, or your premise, or even, for that matter, the study that you have cited..........except that you have not provided a link to a study, you've provided a link to an abstract, and it's hardly the same. Without being able to read this 18 year old study, I don't know anything really about it's…
  • Statements like this one are what make me quit reading the forums periodically. This was a study that lasted TWO WHOLE WEEKS and was done in 1993. The link you have provided is only to the abstract and not the whole study, so the methodology cannot even be looked at. A two week study about dieting.............really?
  • Yep, just went over for today, but that's 'cause I just ate an entire elephant ear from the local art fair. Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! LOL
  • I've had the Bod Pod analysis done, and am thinking of doing my next body composition analysis at EMU, which offers a DEXA scan for a cost of between $30-$50, depending on whether you are student, faculty or a community member. I've had caliper measurements done, and the accuracy REALLY depends on who is using them and…
  • My biggest complaint with the forums on MFP (and elsewhere) are the blanket generalities and statements that are tossed around. Just because something has been forwarded on the internet doesn't mean that it is true. No entire governmental agency is inherently evil, and the government is NOT out to take away your vitamins.…
  • You should set your activity level to sedentary if all you are doing is hanging around watching tv and then log in your walks as exercise.
  • You definitely want to have some sort of a plan, however loose, otherwise, you're likely to wander around aimlessly wondering what you should be doing next. check to see if your gym has an orientation session with the machines and equipment if you've never used them before. Taking classes is a great way to become familiar…