

  • I haven't been on awhile, but am ready to give it a go again. I have a weight loss goal of 100 lbs. I know that its a huge one and that it will take time so the more friends I have that are encouraging or going through the same as me I would be willing to help! :) ADD ME!
  • Awesome!! You look great!! Never giving up can be hard to do especially when the scale isn't showing you what you want to see. Great job on not giving up!! :laugh:
  • welcome to the MFP family!!
  • I have also found that logging in and looking at the message board and venting allows me to cope with weight gain or struggling to get it off. WELCOME ADD ME
  • Nice to meet you!!! I am also going to school for Elementary Ed! :) I have been teaching within a day cares and now with Head Start! Loving it!! My friend got me hooked onto this site and with the help of the app throughout the day I can track my meals and exercise from my phone! :) Add me if you'd like!
  • welcome :)
  • When I go to the grocery I think of those nights that I have my Zumba classes and stuff I have found that buying the already cooked Tyson chicken breasts or strips is good to toss into a salad or make chicken tacos or whatever your heart desires! Its fast its easy and the best thing is that its healthier then my old ways…
  • I think that its always hard to jump back into dieting or exercising whenever you have taken a break... like me and my Zumba I love it, but lately I have noticed that I can't hang like I used to... I mean don't get me wrong I've got a lot of junk in my trunk to shake... but I could hang with the best of them!! At least…