

  • Hello other awesomes! Super Power: Being able to teach others about the Interwebz to the simplest form. "Ma'am please click on the Internet (Internet Explorer that is)....Moss is my Super hero ;)
  • I too am on Week 2, today is day 3 but I skipped it this morning-super tired...I am also seeing improvements but I kinda took a week off-ugh. I did Week 1 part of Week 2 then took a week off and came back this week. I love the program so far and am eating some of the diet plan like the Chicken in Foil, Fish Tacos, and the…
  • I too, am working hard to lose some weight I have gained from my job...sitting at a desk all day doesn't help. I also have a sizable amount of weight to lose (50 pds-ish) to be exact and wanting to burn it before the Summer we come Water World! ;)
  • HI! I am new to myfitnesspal and I don't have any kids but I work 16plus hour days M-F...weekends are catching up with fam/friends. So THAT'S my busy body excuse. I started week 1 (2 weeks ago bleh) and did the "got too busy"...or more like got too lazy ;) SO, I just did stretch of week 2 today and plan on sticking it out…
    in Hi! Comment by ChronoRogue March 2014