sisterlilbunny Member


  • When you cry from happiness that, while the dietitian didn't know about keto, the gal working in the Healthfood section of Hy-Vee knew EXACTLY what the products you were talking about were and was able get you hooked up with the best options for the best prices.
  • Like they all said. I'm finally to a point where I can get my "fat" jeans on and zipped without doing the dance again. I carry a lot of my weight in my hips and thighs so it really did take until I hit 30lbs to see the difference in clothing size there. I'll be sticking with leggings for the confidence for a while though.…
  • Bookmarking this. Thank you so much!
  • LOL I had the triple threat, app on tablet and phone wouldn't work and then the browser went all spinny. Not that I >needed< to enter in my stuff right then but man, the ocd stuff makes it really annoying until I do.
  • Well, I think I'd like in too especially since I was thinking that I needed to set fitness goals again. I'm really really REALLY bad at sticking to stuff. I seem to give up about mid month. :( I think maybe if I stick with getting a minimum 5k (steps) a day and shoot for 10k (steps) 3 times a week? Does that sound pretty…
  • Holy crap I've gone down a serious rabbit hole of reading this morning. I am talking with a co-worker over this and she hit the same stonewall with her doctor. You HAVE to eat all these carbs or how will all the medications work?? So much for being proactive and involved with our health. :( This makes me wonder what my doc…
  • Do you ever have those days where it feels like you run out of everything good to eat a week before pay day? No? Just me? Crap... So we're running low on good fats. I'm out of the good butter (salted), coconut oil, avocados, etc. I did cook my lunches with olive oil but I'm still running low prediction wise on fats. So, I…
  • Perfect timing as I had a question about electrolyte imbalance! :D Yesterday sucked until I got some salt(s) into me. I'm not sure how I let myself drop the ball on that (we have been fighting influenza a at work and home so maybe??) but holy cow when it goes it really goes! Thank you all for your great insight!!
  • You can also reduce the look of cellulite by slathering on prep H and wrapping your legs in saran wrap. Just like the above though, it will come back. Temporary fixes are great for temporary things like formals but it ain't a shortcut for hard work.
  • I love your guys stuff so far. ;D I go with "Suck it up, Princess" to remind me that a.) the world doesn't revolve around me and b.) "no one" cares about my whining so get over it and do it. It sounds harsh but it does stop my inner whining.
  • Well I'm 39 and started dieting at 11 sooo yeah. I see it like smoking, I just have to keep trying. You only fail when you stop trying.
  • psuLemon beat me to it. :D I can be around 40 and still be in Keto. The wiggle room is admittedly really really nice. ;D Good luck!!!!
  • I was just coming to say Halo Top. I swear by them when I get a craving for peanut butter cups or ice cream. It has the creamy texture of ice cream and a great deal of protein. <3 <3 <3 And with the price of it? You'll savor every single bite.
  • You'd honestly be better off using protein powders like EAS. More bang for your buck in terms of nutrition and value. You can still follow the plan but this saves you time/effort/money.
  • Huh, I'm in. Starting weight: 244 Goal weight: 150 Current weight: 228.6 Total weight lost: 15.4 This week's successes: Finally made it to accountability. Learned a lot about how to combat the emotions that lead to saying "I don't care" eating. Ate more carbs than I should have but still made great choices for vday dinner.…
  • Yup chicken and rotell make for a great week! I shred it and add cheese as well LOL. Looks like we're all on board with a great idea. ;) I'm also a huge fan of the tuna pouches. They work great on salads or as a sandwich and don't take a up a ton of space.
  • That's a good way to get a fork in the face and/or lose a friend. *shrugs* If they aren't asking for help, it's none of your business.
  • Huh I never thought about that. Thank you guys for the insight! I'm on BP meds (verapamil) for my migraines and have been doing the stand up/get the spins thing. I'm not low low with the carb range (55 gross, 35 net, light purple) but it gives me something to take to my doctor to make sure I'm doing this right. Thanks!!
  • It's hard to explain but I portion my stuff out before I finish up the full meal. That makes it easier for me to stay on task.
  • That's why Keto gets a bad name, isn't it? O_O
  • *waves* So obviously, I'm new here. But I'm excited that my strips showed pink (light) this morning!!! I know I'm still in the romance phase of this new eating style but dang it, I'm happy. It's still a learning curve on what to eat/cook/et al but I'm not miserable. Which of course makes me think I'm doing something wrong.…
  • Hi all, week 3 of being back at MFP but really very new to the LCHF arena. I'm loving the lack of crash/omg give me sugar in the late afternoon though. :) I'm still playing with the carb number so bear with me as I'm learning here. I've gone from 200 plus a day to right now keeping net around 50. I don't know if that's…
  • Chocolate contains caffeine. An average 8 oz. glass of chocolate milk (250 ml) has 2 to 7 mg of caffeine.
  • Anything under one year isn't impressive any more. Tell me how things are after getting it off and maintaining for a year. Then maybe I'll buy into it. I've been in this rodeo WAY too long to get excited over people losing weight from one "miracle" or another.
  • the one thing you'll learn here, crap happens. keep learning from it and keep going. I've been on here seriously way too long to count at this point and have had great success and massive failures but one things stays the same, I keep logging in/tracking/moving forward. ;) Stop beating yourself up and make changes so next…
  • If I could figure out how to post the video LOL. The Struts - Could Have Been Me
  • It's the internet, it's serious business. ;)