Kaosgeneral Member


  • If you're doing keto your carbs need to be under 25g otherwise it kicks you out of ketosis. It's why knowing the total amount of carbs you have is really important. As for total carbs, just write down how much fibre is in everything and then subtract it. No app is totally accurate.
  • If you know your macros, write them down and cross reference them with what you've eaten on here There is a carb option. Go into nutrition at the bottom of your food diary. It should look something like this. I'm of the understanding that once you've finished your food diary, that is your total carbs for the day
  • Stop fixating about the number on your scales, in fact only weigh yourself every week. Too many people get discouraged and quit because they weigh themselves every day
  • Before you start dieting and working out go sort out your mental health. Its why you hate your body. I suffer from BPD and im the same, but i weigh just over 20 stone. Learn to love yourself before thinking about losing weight
  • Yep it sure is, but if i do it with half measures i know full well i wont stick to it
    in Hi Comment by Kaosgeneral March 2014