

  • I totally agree! I've noticed that I've changed my eating habits completely since I signed up. I feel guilty if I eat junk food now, and if I do crave something yummy (and who doesn't sometimes) I try to go for healthier versions. Like if I crave ice cream, I try to find a healthy frozen yogurt instead, or get baked potato…
  • Maybe switch up your routine if you're getting bored or burned out. Do some physical activities with friends or family that are also fun. I personally like tennis and soccer, but even taking a walk, going to the beach or the park can be good exercise. Or even those video games that get you moving. My husband and I like to…
  • Hey Girl, I am fairly new to all this stuff too, so you're definitely not the only one. Congrats on your first step and first couple lbs lost. If you ever get tired of the ketogenic diet (which I've heard can get old pretty quick for some people) try getting the "Comfort Food Diet" cookbooks. My husband and I are having…
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