

  • If you all up your kettlebell to at least 18 lbs, you will get results much faster. Even a beginner can use an 18 lb. bell. Form is key with kettlebells, get the book kettlebells for dummies, or kettlebell bombshell is a good place to start. Lauren Brooks kettlebell DVD's from amazon are awesome. All you need for a good…
  • Not a bad idea, but all of those pillsbury things are full of transfat, which is horrible for you! You could make a similar sandwich with a whole wheat english muffin and an actual whole egg, which are both great for you. This combo, with a little bit of cheese is still right around 200-225 calories, and a lot more fiber…
  • All these posts have some great advice!
  • Hey Jess, I know you already know my opinion, but you definitely need to eat at least 1500-1800 calories per day min. with the amount of working out you do. Also, I know you don't want to hear this, but you might need to workout LESS! Now a days the latest research says RECOVERY is the most important part of a training…