

  • Im struggling to see the good in people when they are just mean just be positive of who you are as a person and don't change for anyone!
  • This is amazing that you got the strength to leave. I left a man after being with him for four years after him bullying me of my weight, he would constantly tell me im fat overweight big, however he would force me to eat! If I said no to something he would put it in my mouth and make me eat it! I hated every bit of it!!…
  • Fat, Beast, Huge, Ugly, Stupid, Worthless, Fatty (by a resident), My sister to jump on my back repeated times whilst shouting at me, big girl, mc donalds, the list is endless. Its not so much the words but the spitefulness from family members, the mean jokes and the horrible things they mean but just acting as if it was…
  • I know exactly how you feel!! My sister was 16 stone, not weighs around 10/11. When she was at her biggest and I was going to the gym (I was around 12 stone), she would constantly call me fat, to make herself feel better about herself. Now she has lost all the weight and I have gained a few stone, its the same. I cannot…
  • I am new and deffinately could do with more friends! I LOVE food too and really struggling with my relationship with it (LOVE HATE) x
  • I feel you. My partner looks skinny and lean however he eats fried chicken, pizza, takeaways, everything and yet he still looks slimmer than me. I eat vegtables, fruits, and yet my belly looks like iv had a baby! I am young in my 20's and yet finding it so hard to loose weight! In a way I am jealous because my sister eats…
  • I am 21 and nearly 14 stone, my weight fluctuates and goes from 13.00, to 14.9ibs. I need to do something about it but I have the same issue the thought of joining a gym with perfect bodies is just to hard to bare. I don't mind going on walks with friends but running alone by myself and other people's perspective makes me…