

  • You have been so misinformed! Actually, saturated fats are healthy as long as they are consumed in the context of adequate supportive nutrition. Avocados, olive oil, and butter are healthy. Enjoy them. But do a little reading to reassure yourself. Here are some phrases you can Google: 1. The Case Against Saturated Fats:…
  • The tax on saturated fats aims at increasing life expectancy. Most Danes don't have a weight problem, probably because they consume so much butter and lard. There is, however, a high incidence of heart disease, probably because they eat too much omega-6 industrial seed oils, refined grain products, and added sugars. A diet…
  • Hi Lazywriter, Don't worry about consuming too much saturated fat. Despite all the negative publicity, saturated fats appear to be benign over a wide range of intakes if the remainder of the diet contains adequate supportive nutrition. What you want to watch out for is omega-6s. Google "Your Brain on omega 3" and "Dairy…
  • I am a layman who studies nutritional controversies. The saturated fat controversy is the one that interests me most because the vilification of saturated fat has caused an unimaginable amount of damage to the public health. The idea that saturated fats clog arteries is based on the belief that any fat that raises LDL…
  • The idea that saturated fats should be restricted to improve heart health or prevent obesity is controversial. Always has been. You would do better to look learn how to limit your omega-6 intake. Google "Your Brain on Omega 3" and "1 of 4 Bill Lands" and "Susan Allport" to get started learning about the omega-6 hazard. For…