

  • can I join in too? I also will be doing it on alternating days...I am just starting to run...ok, jog/gasping walk, but you get the idea...i have the dvd, but have never done it yet. Just joined this site today...I will also be doing the insanity workouts, once i get them...if i can't burn the fat, i am going to scare it…
  • Hello all...I live in Windsor, and am looking to lose about 40 pounds, give or take...I just joined today, so feel free to add me as a friend!! Good luck to all of us! :heart:
  • I am starting as soon as I get the dvd' son has them at his dad's so it may take a few days before I get is sounding intimidating!!! Can't wait to try it out...I will put on my fitness test results, maybe for each 30 days to see if I get better,lol...good luck all!!! :heart:
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